Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Allison's Puppy Face

Carolina's Website Design Firm/Animal Merge


I found this website nice and simple in the layout as well as easy to look at. I really thought the coolest part had to do with the 'our work' page in which you could scroll over the links to websites they had done and see a thumbnail as opposed to needing to click on each image to see it. Cool layout, and I like the work they do. :)

Also, me as a Gecko;

Allisons Interactive Design Firm


This is a firm that provides interactive web design to clients. Looking through their portfolio I saw they did a website for CMA and Billy Graham. There was a variety of clients and all the websites (including their own) were very well designed and interesting to look and navigate around.

Megan's Interactive Design Firm

I picked Big Squid Interactive. First of all I like their name. And the fact that they have a big pink squid on their homepage.  They also have a clever slogan: "In a sea of opportunities, THINK BIG. THINK SQUID."  They work both with large and small companies, providing internet marketing strategies to boost interaction online.


Megan as a Kangaroo:

Terri As a Bear