Sunday, November 7, 2010

Terri's Short Film

This short film titled Day and Night was created by Pixar and was shown in the beginning credits of Toy Story 3. The first time I saw it, I didn't enjoy it because I just wanted to see Toy Story! But, the second time, I enjoyed it more.

It's a story of two "blob" like characters that are on a black background. One's body is day, and the other's night. At first the two are at odds with one another, but they eventually see eye to eye and understand that they both have great aspects. By the end of the clip, the two are getting along, especially at sunset and sunrise, when they both have the sun at the same height.

The animation of course is great, because it's created by Pixar. But it's just a cute clip. The music that goes along with it enhances it especially because there is no talking, except for the middle which has a part about how people should embrace the unknown and change.

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